Money is the number one thing that people worry about when it comes to the retirement years. Paying for senior care is one of the biggest stressors that seniors face as they get further into their retirement. More Americans are … [Read more...]
How Care Costs Impact the Economy
The cost of senior care is expensive. It forces people to make hard decisions, especially when it comes to their employment. A lot of people leave their job to help care for a loved one–causing staff shortages and other issues within … [Read more...]
Paying for Care–And Saving Money for Retirement
Saving money is hard enough for most of us. But when it comes to a major expense like senior care, many find that it’s impossible to continue to save money and prepare for their own retirement years–let alone start planning and saving up … [Read more...]
When Should You Buy Long Term Care Insurance?
Long term care insurance is designed to help reduce the cost of care–or even eliminate it–for people that might require senior care later on in life. One of the interesting things about long term care insurance is that the … [Read more...]
Paying For Care–It Comes in Many Forms
Getting connected to the right care can be difficult. Paying for it can be even more difficult. There are a number of different ways to pay for care, some of which are easier than others, depending on your resources, what systems you’ve … [Read more...]
Is the Care System Too Complex?
One of the things that comes up time and time again when speaking with people about senior care, or even when doing my own research on the web, is that the care system is complicated. People understand that there’s a need for help when it … [Read more...]
What if Senior Care is Too Expensive?
One of the first thing that many people realize when it’s time to find senior care for a loved one, unfortunately, is that care can be very expensive. In the state of California, the average cost of a nursing home stay is over $9,200 per … [Read more...]
Alternative Ideas for Paying for Care
No matter how you look at it, senior care is expensive. But this doesn't mean that you are going to be stuck paying for care out of pocket. Knowing what your choices for paying for care are and how you best use your available resources to … [Read more...]
Do You Really Need Long Term Care Insurance?
For a long time, it was highly recommended by a large number of financial professionals and retirement specialists that you use long term care insurance to help prepare for the latter portion of your retirement. Things have changed … [Read more...]
How Does Life Insurance Fit in with Senior Care?
One popular method of paying for senior care that is being discussed with more frequency than usual on the web these days is using a life insurance policy to help offset costs. This does not work with all types of insurance, but with whole … [Read more...]
Long Term Care and Your Finances
Financial concerns are one of the biggest worries--if not the biggest worry--that people have regarding aging. Preparing your finances ahead of your senior years is an important step when it comes to getting older, but it’s one of those … [Read more...]
Care and Paying for Care are Different
Finding the right care for an elderly loved one, and then paying for that care are two totally different things. One of the big questions that senior care experts like to ask people when they are early on in their search addresses this … [Read more...]