A team of researchers has been using a face screening tool to help detect strokes. The new research uses a smartphone app and face screening tools to help determine if a stroke has occurred. The team states that … [Read more...]
Effectively Using AI in Treating Seniors
A team of researchers has been using artificial intelligence (AI) to simulate clinical trials to try and get an idea of how effective different treatments can be when it comes to stroke treatment and prevention. By simulating … [Read more...]
What is a Mobile Stroke Unit?
Mobile stroke units are not widely used in all parts of the United States, but they should be. New research indicates that mobile stroke units can help improve the outcomes that those who are suffering from a stroke experience. … [Read more...]
Brain Signatures Related to Chronic Pain
Researchers believe that they have identified the part of the brain that handles chronic pain. It is the first time that research like this has been conducted, and the researchers believe that they can use this information to make the lives … [Read more...]
What Can Spinal Cord Stimulation Do?
A recent study found that spinal cord stimulation might have some benefits for stroke survivors when it comes to improving mobility during the recovery process. This study pointed to a new neurotechnology that involves a pair … [Read more...]
How Does a Stroke Occur?
A new study helps to shed a lot more light on just what happens within the body when a stroke occurs. This new insight is likely to lead to better stroke treatment and prevention methods in the future. Ischemic strokes are the … [Read more...]
Not All Post-Stroke Therapies are as Effective as Once Thought
After someone suffers from a bleeding stroke or from an intracerebral hemorrhage, it has been common practice to prescribe methods of helping with recovery, such as compression socks, anti-seizure medications, and steroids. However, new … [Read more...]
Making Stroke Treatment More Effective
Researchers have been learning more about how to treat stroke by looking at in-hospital strokes, why they occur, and how they can be treated with more effectiveness. Looking at these elements, and then finding ways to carry them over into … [Read more...]
Small Steps to Resolve a Big Problem
When someone has a stroke, it changes their life. They need to make changes to their lifestyle, their healthcare, and they might even need help just getting through each day in a safe manner. Unfortunately, when someone has had one stroke, … [Read more...]
Better Treatment for Stroke Victims
Stroke is one of the most common health crises for elderly individuals in the United States. There are about 800,000 stroke victims each year in the United States, according to one estimate. If the recovery rate for these individuals were … [Read more...]
Stimulation Helps More Patients Recover After Stroke
A stroke is one of the scariest things that can happen to an elderly loved one. Seeing someone in otherwise good health suddenly be unable to do the simple tasks that they once took for granted is hard on both the person experiencing the … [Read more...]
Stroke Treatments to Target Glutamate
A newly developed drug called QNZ-46 looks like it might have the potential to reduce the amount of damage that is done to the brain after a stroke. The drug works by lessening the amount of glutamate that is released after a stroke. … [Read more...]