All over the country, government agencies and nonprofits are launching free programs to help improve the quality of care that seniors have access to. In the end, the people that benefit are the ones that need these services the … [Read more...]
A Spotlight on Medication Misuse
Medication misuse comes in two different forms: accidental and intentional. Both can be incredibly dangerous. If you take medication, or have a loved one that does, understanding what this is and how to spot it can be very … [Read more...]
The Increasing Cost of Living, and Care’s Place
You’re probably experiencing this, along with the majority of Americans. The cost of things is going up as inflation continues to hit us. Food, gas, and everything in between continues to go up in price. It has a lot of senior citizens … [Read more...]
Making Care Decisions for a Loved One
If you find yourself in a position where you are making decisions for a loved one as they age, you probably have a lot of questions. One of the big ones that pops up when a situation like this occurs is regarding power of … [Read more...]
Alzheimer’s Med Might Help in Other Areas, Too
Alzheimer’s disease is marked by a sharp and noticeable cognitive decline. It can happen quickly or over the span of years. But the symptoms tend to be similar for all who suffer from this disease. Confusion and memory loss, difficulty with … [Read more...]
Another Look at ADLs
Activities of daily living, or ADLs, are an important part of how health care providers and insurance companies measure the needs of seniors. For insurance purposes, there are six ADLs that need to be evaluated. These include grooming, … [Read more...]
Is the Care Shortage Getting Better?
Regular readers of this blog know that the care shortage has been a main topic of discussion for years, even before the word “coronavirus” was in our vocabulary. While the pandemic exposed a lot of weaknesses in the care system, including … [Read more...]
What is a Retirement Village?
A retirement village is a community of seniors, typically in an apartment or small village-like community that caters to the senior population. This can be a formal area designated for the elderly, or it can be an informal collection of … [Read more...]
Chronic Pain and Mental Health
A big breakthrough in chronic pain research could mean a much higher quality of life for seniors that deal with this issue. New research indicates that chronic pain can be effectively treated through psychological … [Read more...]
How to Gauge a Care Service’s Reputation
When it comes to figuring out what hotel you should stay at, the internet can be a great resource for evaluating a reputation. Recently, my wife and I were trying to find a last minute place to stay and reviews helped us avoid staying in a … [Read more...]
Looking at Falls… And Taking Steps to Prevent Them
Statistics indicate that someone over the age of 65 is brought to the emergency room every 11 seconds in the United States because of a fall related injury. Sometimes these are minor injuries, but often, they result in a life changing … [Read more...]
Senior Care is Not a Competition
In-home care has been growing rapidly over the last few years. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted this growth as it has remained one of the safest types of senior care that exist. It’s been growing so quickly that many in the industry … [Read more...]