According to a recent article by CNN, inflation is under control in the United States. The cost of items is not rising as fast as they once were. Jobs are being added to the economy, and spending is at a healthy level. These things look … [Read more...]
An Update On Social Security and Medicare Benefits
Social Security is the U.S. government program that provides financial benefits to retirees, disabled individuals, and survivors of deceased workers. The program is primarily funded through payroll taxes collected from workers and … [Read more...]
How Senior Care Costs Impact the Quality of Care Received
We’re all seeing it and it seems like there is no avoiding it. The cost of living keeps going up. It’s happening all around us in every aspect of life. Senior care cannot escape this. The cost of care is going up. When this … [Read more...]
Seniors and the Cost of Living
Here in the United States, the cost of living has gone up dramatically over the last several years. According to some estimates, the Social Security Administration is attempting to help seniors out by raising the cost of living adjustment … [Read more...]
The Increasing Cost of Living, and Care’s Place
You’re probably experiencing this, along with the majority of Americans. The cost of things is going up as inflation continues to hit us. Food, gas, and everything in between continues to go up in price. It has a lot of senior citizens … [Read more...]
Is the Care Shortage Getting Better?
Regular readers of this blog know that the care shortage has been a main topic of discussion for years, even before the word “coronavirus” was in our vocabulary. While the pandemic exposed a lot of weaknesses in the care system, including … [Read more...]