California offers an assisted living waiver for elderly residents that need senior care but fall into an income bracket where care is out of their reach.
This program is offered as a Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) and is run through Medi-Cal. To be eligible, the person in question must have Medi-Cal with a zero cost obligation, be 21 or older, require the types of services that are offered through assisted living facilities, be willing and able to reside in an assisted living facility, and be able to live in or already reside in one of the many counties that is eligible for the waiver.
You can read more about the assisted living waiver here. The State of California also outlines goals and more details about how the program works on their site. This program has been in place for a few years now. Hopefully, it continues to have a positive impact on our communities.
Assisted living can help a lot of people, but it’s certainly not the ideal choice for everyone. However, this is a service that was not always traditionally connected to Medi-Cal services. In the past, nursing home care was the only real choice for those that fit into this qualifying income bracket. Luckily, there have been a lot of changes to how senior care is approached over the years. Seniors have more choices than ever in California and many other states across the country. More choices only means a higher quality of care for people.
The State of California is known for being socially progressive. And while this can carry a lot of political meaning behind it, that’s not the point of this post. The point is to educate our readers about some of the benefits that might be available to them that aren’t always readily available in other states. Regardless of what your political leanings may or may not be, these social programs can do a lot of good for people that might not otherwise have access to the high quality care that they deserve. Hopefully, this piece of information can be helpful to you or someone close to you.
And as always, we’re always happy to help here on our end. At Paradise In-Home Care, we offer a wide range of care services–not just limited to in-home care. For example, one of our favorite services to offer our community is a free consultation session. We know that senior care is a big, complex topic. We know that the average person hasn’t spent a lot of time in this world. But it’s what we do on a daily basis. The consultation session is designed to tap into that expertise and help those around us without any sort of expense or obligation.
If you’d like to know more about how senior care can help change your family members’ lives, please feel free to get in touch. One of our skilled professionals would be happy to talk more with you either by phone or in a sit down conversation about care, how it can help, and what it might look like for you unique set of circumstances.
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