An assistive device can be a game changing acquisition for a loved one, especially if they have struggled with some sort of disability recently. Understanding what one of these devices is, and how they can help a loved one, is an important … [Read more...]
Obesity is Linked to Reduced Brain Plasticity
A new study has found that severely overweight individuals tend to suffer from reduced brain plasticity. In situations where someone suffers from obesity, the brain is unable to rewire itself and reroute information paths as needed. If … [Read more...]
Managing Osteoporosis Better
Osteoporosis is a disease that involves a loss of bone density. A large number of people that have this disease don’t even know that they have it. They might live for years with the disease and be perfectly fine, until a stumble or even a … [Read more...]
Walking is an Easy Way to Prevent Disability
According to new research out of Northwestern University, just one hour of walking each week can prevent many forms of disability from occurring. That ends up being less than ten minutes of walking per day, something that almost anyone can … [Read more...]
The Importance of Music
Music is an important part of life for a lot of people--including our elderly family members. It is something that we enjoy and it can be a good way to help keep people with dementia or a disability cognitively active. Much research has … [Read more...]
Can Surgery Help Alleviate Parkinson’s Symptoms?
The University of Virginia Health System recently announced that a new method of treating Parkinson’s disease has seen a great deal of success based on their research. This new method of treatment is not really all that new. … [Read more...]
Adapting to Life After a Stroke
A stroke is completely life changing. It can turn someone who seems otherwise healthy into an individual who needs help getting through each day for the rest of his or her life. A lot of those issues are not readily apparent, either. For … [Read more...]
Things to Know About Osteoporosis
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, you probably have a lot of questions. Osteoporosis can be a life changing illness, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be one that diminishes your quality of life. Sometimes, just … [Read more...]
Benefits of Red Wine Used to Help Seniors
We have all heard about how antioxidants found in red wine have many benefits when it comes to heart health. And because cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of adult men and women in the United States, every little thing that we … [Read more...]
Strokes May Occur Because of Continued Unhealthy Habits
If someone suffers from a stroke, statistics say that this individual is far more likely to suffer from a second stroke. And if they suffer from a second stroke, stats say that they are even more likely to have a third stroke. As you might … [Read more...]
Tips for Talking About Senior Care
Talking to someone that you love about senior care is rarely ever easy. Even if it is clear to you that they desperately need some assistance around the home, it might not be something that your mom or dad recognizes. Unfortunately, this … [Read more...]
Social Security is a Main Source of Payment for Care
Social Security is a lifeline for many elderly individuals. The extra income per month that is provided by the federal government is oftentimes the only income that some seniors have, and for many it is far more helpful than any remaining … [Read more...]