People who nap daily seem to be at a higher risk of high blood pressure and stroke, new research indicates.
Looking at over half a million people in the UK Biobank research group, researchers were able to draw a connection between the frequency of napping that someone experiences and their likelihood of developing high blood pressure or stroke. People who nap on a daily basis were 12 percent more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. People who napped daily were 24 percent more likely to suffer a stroke. This is when compared to the population of people that never nap. The data looked at people between the ages of 40 and 69.
For seniors, this could be indicative that frequent naps might actually be the symptom of something else. Research hasn’t clearly stated what the implications of this study are for those aged 70 and older, but it stands to reason that some of the same conclusions could be made. However, a lot more research is still needed here.
It’s also worth mentioning that people with lower education levels, smokers, daily drinkers, and those with insomnia were far more likely to nap during the day than other demographic sections were. It’s not a hundred percent clear at this time just how these things all interrelate to one another, but past research has shown a connection between heart disease and these lifestyle features in the past. The researchers were quick to say that napping in itself isn’t unhealthy, but may be indicative of other issues at play.
This research was conducted by the American Heart Association. They published their findings in the journal, Hypertension. There’s a lot more that needs to be learned on these coinciding topics, but hopefully this research can help act as a jumping off point for future studies so that people with heart issues are getting better care earlier on. Preventive care is always better than treating an illness or health event after the fact.
This is not to say that frequent naps are definitely a sign of a deeper issue. However, if this is something that you’re observing, it could be worth getting a check-up, just to rule out that there’s not a bigger health problem behind things.
If you do have concerns about this aspect of your health, or anything else, it’s important to speak with a doctor. A medical professional will be able to give you a much better idea of what you should do to stay healthy than any article on the internet will. While information can be helpful, working with a professional will always help get you closer to the best decision for you and your family.
Heart disease, stroke, heart attack, and other health issues can require lifestyle changes for older adults in order for them to stay safe and healthy. Having support in the home, such as what we offer through in-home care, might be exactly what your family needs to thrive even with these health issues present.
We’re here to talk if you’d like more info. Feel free to call today!
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